There were given more than 330 presentations on various topics from Numerical Analysis, Stochastics, Optimization or Modeling.
The GIVEN-Consortium participated in the 20th European Conference on Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) in Budapest, Hungary with the contribution “Shape Optimization for a Stochastic Objective Functional“.
The series of European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry (ECMI) conferences are devoted to enforce the interaction between academy and industry, leading to innovations in both fields. These events have attracted leading experts from business, science and academia, and have promoted the application of novel mathematical technologies to industry.
ECMI conferences are organised under the auspices of the European Consortium for Mathematics in Industry, an association of academic institutions and industrial companies that acts co-operatively with the following aims:
- To promote and support the use of mathematical modelling, simulation, and optimization in any activity of social or economic importance.
- To educate Industrial Mathematicians to meet the growing demand for such experts.
- To operate on a European scale.